Last week I attended a First Aid course with Alex from Holos Healthcare & Training.
What a day !
We went through the A, B, C ‘s airway, breathing and circulation, resuscitation, bandages, choking, fits, electrical accidents, burns, stroke etc and I genuinely feel far more confident in how I would cope in any of these situations. Alex, our trainer for the day, made it interesting and broke it down simply so that we could easily remember all of the different aspects. He came prepared with lots of willing dummies so later on myself and a colleague had the opportunity to try to save Brad. After 4 rounds of x30 compressions (which is exhausting I can tell you,) and being shocked several times Brad failed to make any response.
But as you can see Brad is a legless, armless, latex model, in the real world I am sure that the adrenaline will be surging through us in order to carry out further resuscitation. The next day my abdominal muscles were really aching from the force needed for the compressions, I had better tone up if I plan on saving anyone in the future lol!!
On a more serious note have your heard about the 112 Emergency number ?
Neither had I, and yet it’s been around for about 10 years.
Similar to 999 you can call the emergency services on it,
Police! Fire! Ambulance! Mountain Rescue! Coast Guard!
However, with 112 you can also text them. Which means should you not have very good reception in the area you are located, a text message needs less service than a call so can get through better. Plus on 112 it can be used even if you are out of credit, or no service signal as it will redirect to the nearest mast whether or not that is your service provider or not. They can locate you from your mobile phone too I believe. Calls and text to 112 get priority over other texts and calls too.
To to set up you need to :
Text REGISTER to 112
Read the text they send you, usually terms and conditions
Then follow instructions to register your number, takes 30 seconds to do.
This service is apparently working in many different countries so could well save a life!
Register today !!
Also, if you have a mobile phone be sure to set up your medical ID with your emergency contacts and any allergies etc. This is similar to a medical ID bracelet but far more hi tech.
So you can be assured when visiting The Olive Tree in Brackley, that you are once again in safe hands. My first aid training has now been renewed and is up to date. If you need to do any first aid training I can highly recommended Alex and Holos Healthcare and Training, so be sure to contact them. Alex has a so much experience as a previous police officer, paramedic and now full time trainer. This level of training is the highest you can get. Check out their Facebook page :