Cupping is an ancient technique where cups are placed on the skin creating suction, Originally horns would have been used to cup the body, with the person sucking out the the air to create negative pressure.The inverse of massage it holds the cups to the skin via suction as the air is removed from the cup. The drawing up of the skin can leave a mark on the skin ( think pepperoni) and dependant on your condition and health this may lasts for a few days. Therefore not advisable before wearing and wearing anything that may show them, or show them off with pride, your choice.

Cups are made from bamboo, glass or plastic and are placed on the body and the suction helps to remove toxins and ease muscle tension. Cupping can help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, tension, stiff muscles, it speeds up muscle recovery and benefits well-being as a type of deep-tissue massage. It loosen muscles to encourage the blood and Qi flow to sedate the nervous system which is good for fatigue. Perfect for anyone working at a desk in a sedentary position as this type of work creates stagnation of blood and Qi and cupping gets things moving. Cupping is also used to relieve the symptoms related to a cold and stimulates the bodies immunity to protect the respiratory system.
Facial Cupping
The suction promotes increased blood circulation, which may help relieve muscle tension, promote cell repair, and aid in other regeneration. It’s also said to improve the flow of your “qi” which loosely translated is your life force or energy, leaving you relaxed. Although based on the same principle of restoration, facial and body cupping are executed differently.Facial cups are smaller and softer, and are used to gently pull the skin away from deeper layers of fascia. This increases blood flow to the area and rejuvenates the skin without leaving cup marks behind.
- it may brighten skin
- minimise the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles
- it may tone chin, jawline, neck, and décolletage,
- it can decrease puffiness,
- regulate oil production.
- overall it improves nutrient delivery and product absorption
Cupping Contraindications
In general, cupping is contraindicated directly on veins, arteries, nerves, skin inflammation, any skin lesion, body orifices, eyes, lymph nodes, or varicose veins. Cupping is also contraindicated on open wounds, bone fractures, and sites of deep vein thrombosis.
Areas to avoid
•Anterior neck
•Fractures, dislocations
•Kidneys – stationary cups over kidneys
•Areas of superficial blood vessel areas/nerve areas: anterior neck, groin, anterior distal forearm
•Insulin, or any medical injection sites
•Scarring following surgeries. Wait for the scar to heal, at least 3-5 weeks
•Herniation/Bulging disc area
•Cyst of any kind – pressure can increase discomfort
Acute and non-acute medical conditions
•Cancer, malignant tumours or while receiving cancer therapy
•Rheumatoid arthritis flare up
Cardiovascular-related conditions
•Deep vein thrombosis
•Low blood pressure
•Acute circulatory disorders (varicosities)
Systemic Conditions / Weakened Conditions
•Liver dysfunction
•Kidney dysfunction
•Haemophiliacs and clients who bruise easily
•Clients with Extreme exhaustion, high stress or weakened general conditions
•Severe oedema
Skin hypersensitivity-skin conditions to avoid include but not limited to
•Rash, Sunburn
•Shingles (Herpes zoster)
•Skin lesions, raised moles, skin tags, acne
•Medications – Including thin skinning medication
•Aspirin, Blood Thinners
Cupping Aftercare
Cupping is a traditional treatment that is safe, comfortable, and effective for many health disorders. The gentle suction that cupping creates loosens and lifts connective tissues, which increases blood and lymph flow to your skin and muscles. To get the maximum benefits from cupping, it’s important that you follow a few guidelines.
What to do after cupping or a cupping massage:
Drink water it helps to flush your lymphatic system
Stay warm – Try to cover the area(s) where you received cupping.
You may feel more tired than normal or experience flu-like symptoms after cupping (headache or general body aches). This is a temporary reaction by your immune system to the cellular waste that cupping helps release.
What to avoid after cupping or a cupping massage:
For 4-6 hours post cupping, avoid exposure to:
Caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks as they slow down your body’s ability to process the treatment.
Hot showers, saunas, hot tubs and strong air conditioning. After cupping, your skin will be more sensitive to temperature in the areas where the cups were placed. Give your skin time to recover.
Strenuous exercise
Cold and windy conditions – wear a scarf